Wednesday, 15 June 2011

It's here! Trends for 2012. Yas!

It's is true. I've been away from blogging for some time. I chose to shut down my old blog to concentrate on passing my degree.

Which I have now done and it looks fantastic on my odd shaped wall. Ahem. I digress.

I graduated with a fashion degree and nothing appeals to me more than:

1) When my Vogue magazine thumps on the door mat,
2) I get paid and can buy all the things I cannot afford,
3) When the emails come through telling me of next seasons trends.

It's like being back at university all over again. And I can't help but get excited when I see that this time its got a watery feel to it. Without the sogginess that usually comes attached to it.

Ruffles always get me. Every time and without fail. If you want to hide a certain area of your body; use a ruffle. If you want your boobs to look bigger; whack on a ruffle! I bet if you go to your wardrobe there will be at least one thing with a ruffle on it. And if there isn't, go out and buy something with one!

I also like colour.

Currently, my obsession is green. If this obsession lasts till next season then I'm sure I'll fit in nicely. Like Arial from the Little Mermaid. Except with legs.

It's also pay day tomorrow. Shamefully, I discovered I have no black high heels. At all.

I have no idea how this is even possible. I have a stupid amount of shoes and most of them live in nice wee plastic boxes in the attic.

Simple, yet exactly what I need. I shall have you tomorrow.


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