Thursday, 14 July 2011


E is for excited. When I posted 'Just a quickie' it was the night before an interview. An interview for a job I really wanted.

A job I got.

I don't want to go into too much detail purely cause I don't believe it yet. And I won't until I walk though the door on my first day.

So! I'm getting a celebratory hair cut and dye. Cause right now my hair is hideous. Unsure if I should stick with being white or go back to a natural colour... conundrum!

Yeh, I'll stick to being white. Adds to my Casper the Ghost look I'm working so hard on.

To add to my panic about starting a new job, I need to find a new flat. THERE ARE NONE!

Edinburgh Festival kills everything regarding finding flats. People cash in and get £1000 a week for their flats. Curse their entrepreneurial skills! *insert angry fist shaking motion here* 

To celebrate some more, I feel there should be some more shoe purchasing. Those damn blue, sparkly shoes I wanted are now in pewter.

Schuh - £65

I honestly think Schuh know that I have a thing for all things sparkly. Cause they keep sending in more damn shoes covered in glitter. For example:

Schuh - £65

Schuh - £80

Schuh - £55

You guys are killing me. Like really killing me.

To add to my lack of flat and decreasing bank balance due to pretty shoes, my phone is dying. I currently possess a iPhone 3 (retro innit?!) which for the past 6 months has become slower and slower. Facebook crashes, Tweetdeck doesn't load properly, it resets it's self randomly and it chooses which messages it wants to send and receive. 

This. Is. Not. Cool!

I'm in Glasgow tomorrow. I could easily pop into Apple and pick up an iPhone 4 but I know after I've gotten home, played with it for a week that I will then get an email saying:


And I'll cry and cry and cry...

Dear Apple.

Please release one now.

Much <3



P.S What is for you, will not go by you. Remember that bitches.

Monday, 11 July 2011


With food baby.

Gotcha. I had the most self indulgent weekend with my friend. It involved a bugger load of food:

  • Dominos: Large ham, pineapple, sweetcorn & mushroom pizza. Also got the stuffed crust - it's horrible. AVOID
  • Frankie & Benny's: 2 pints (yes, pints) of coke, 5 chicken wings coated in BBQ sauce & a BBQ steak wrap with fries.
  • Back at the flat: Fizzy cola laces, Wispa bars, 2 tubes of Pringles, 2ltr bottle of Irn Bru & cookie Galaxy.
  • Later on: Left over Dominos.
  • This morning: More Irn Bru & a bacon roll.
  • Dinner: Chip butty.

URGH. I swear I need a ridiculous amount of detox to get rid of all the crap I scoffed over the last few days. I should also be the size of a small house or at least a Great Dane?

On my adventurous weekend, I also ended up at T in the Park. Not that I was actually at the festival but rather picking up my friends sister who had had enough. It was a different experience. Full of parents frantically trying to get their children's attention whilst flapping around their sheets in the car to stop their spawn coating everything in mud.

Also played an awesome game of guess which car their heading to by the brand of their wellies.

Most people have probably heard about Google+. I finally got an invite and I'm unsure what to make of it. It's like a cheap version of Facebook. Obviously they have a lot of work still to do and Facebook has been in development for many years but it's just a bit... bland at the moment.

Also is someone wants to take me to see Harry Potter next week, that would be highly acceptable.

I have grown up with this series. I have to go see it. Expelliarmus!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Miss Magpie

I like things that shine and/or sparkle. Just ask my last boss. Whenever Christmas came around, I would get insanely excited about the things that would sparkle. Especially all that stuff that involved glitter. I don't care if I get covered in it or it ends up lodged under my fingernails; it make me stupidly happy.

There did actually used to be a shop in my home town called Magpies. I spent a ridiculous amount of time in it. However, thats a different story for probably never another day.

Yes. There is a point to this. The point is that these arrived in work today:

Schuh - £65

I have been waiting for ages for these to finally appear in stores. I <3 electric blue, glitter and stupidly high shoes. I MUST HAVE THESE. 


I'm going to be a cheapskate and wait till my Schuhiversary (see what I did there - genius!) where my discounts will magically appear on my card.

I imagine that these will look a bit like this on me:

My artistic skills are amazing I hear you cry. Yes, they are =)

I do think I possibly need to stop buying shoes for a while (after those bad boys of course). I added another two pairs to my collection the other day. A pair I had previously spoken about buying but went against.

I bought them purely for my work's night out. Which I ended up doing this:

I am a classy girl. But it could be a new idea for a hat.

You guys watch out in Vogue next year. A glass, circular hat will be there*

*Possibly and most likely not.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Just a quickie...

It's 12:12am and I can't get to sleep. Those who know me, will know why.

I also refuse to put it on here cause, knowing me, I'll jinx myself.

This more of a Tweet size update than a normal blog post but I haven't been available the past few days to pop a proper entry in.

Normal service will resume after tomorrow. Fingers crossed and enjoy some merry nibbles.
